As technology advances each year, researchers are constantly looking to answer some of life’s most trying questions. Questions like is there life on Mars, how to successfully reach the bottom of the ocean, and the age-old question: how can we live longer.
There have been numerous studies and experiments that have attempted to answer the question of extended life, including a 20-year Finnish study suggesting that regular sauna baths may result in a longer life. However, the latest study takes a look at higher education and how it can extend human life.
According to CBS News, the Brookings Institution found that higher education is strongly correlated to a longer life and a lower incidence of disease.
“An additional year of college decrease mortality rates by 15% to 19% by reducing deaths from cancer and heart disease,” said the researchers at Brookings.
The study found that for those with high school degrees or less, the mortality rate is double in comparison to individuals who have some college experience or a college degree.
One reason college graduates have a higher life expectancy is the fact that college graduates consistently get higher paying jobs, which makes it easier to receive better healthcare and other advantages.
It’s not as simple as “go to college and live longer,” but the research points in that direction. More studies will be done on this issue and scientists, economists, and other researchers are focusing on extending life as much as possible.
A more practical way to improve life expectancy, for example, is eating a handful of nuts.
Express reports that just a one ounce portion of nuts is enough to significantly slash the risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity.
“It’s quite a substantial effect for such a small amount of food,” said Dagfinn Aune, the study co-author that looked at the health benefits of nuts. The study involved 819,000 people including 12,000 cases of coronary heart disease, 9,000 cases of stroke, and 85,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
“This analysis adds further value to scores of clinical studies that reveal the positive health impact of regular nut consumption,” said Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra.