It looks like the Material Girl is just trying to express herself. Illegally. Madonna has been caught posting un-authorized, no parking signs outside her $40 million Upper East Side pad, Page Six reports. Aimed at preventing cars from blocking her driveway, these signs were modeled after California’s no parking signs.
Reading “Tenant Parking Only” and “Unauthorized Vehicles Will Be Towed Away,” these signs didn’t bode well with neighbors. The words “No Parking” were embossed on the sidewalk in front of her garage, and she painted a yellow strip along that stretch.
“The word is overkill,” passerby Al Westenberger told The Post. “Look, you have one, two, three, four, five signs — maybe one sign would have been satisfactory”.
There has been an overwhelmingly mixed public reaction to this fiasco. Some Madonna super fans believe she should be allowed extra signs because she is extra famous and has a need for higher security than normal people.
Other neighbors relate to the singer’s public display of not following authority because they, too, struggle with parking in that neighborhood.
One neighbor, however, called the city to complain. The New York City Department of Transportation answered this by issuing a letter of defacement for defacing public property.
Maybe Madonna shouldn’t be too worried about getting her car out of the driveway. Maybe she should start thinking about biking to her destination, as just three hours of bicycling a week can reduce a person’s risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%. Plus then she wouldn’t have to worry about parking her own vehicles.
The Queen of Pop responded to this incident on her Instagram by posting “Yes Bishes I am Madonna and that is my driveway and if people park in front of it i cant drive in my driveway! So sorry the city doesn’t like the color yellow! We will paint it a nice dull grey to keep our neighbors happy! Sorry! Im saying 3 extra Hail Mary’s this Easter for this transgression.”
The potential fines she faces for the signs and the painted curb amount to $250.