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New Jersey Changes Stance On Child Moving Laws, Best Interests First

Somewhere around 41% of all first-time marriages end in divorce; it’s just one of the facts of married life in the current day and age. However, the laws regarding marriage, divorce, and child custody are not set in stone. In early August, the New Jersey Supreme Court reversed nearly two decades of law in a […]

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Trenton Offers New Homeowners $25,000 In Financial Assistance

Up to 32% of people looking to buy a new house in the United States are first time homebuyers. And Trenton, New Jersey is giving them an incentive to move there. On Thursday, August 3, the city council of Trenton approved a resolution to offer $25,000 to first time homebuyers. This money will be used […]

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Older Workers Experience Fatal Accidents On the Job Far More Frequently

According to an analysis of federal statistics by the Associated Press, older workers are dying at a much higher rate than the work force in total. That is in spite a general trend for fewer fatal accidents on the job. Using the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Census for Fatal Occupational injuries and one-year estimates from […]

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Could Trump’s Wall Alleviate Government Construction Spending Concerns?

The United States possesses the second largest construction market in the world, falling just behind China with an overall share of about 10%. However, in recent years that share has been showing signs of potentially slipping. Just recently the domestic construction market saw a small decline of 1.3% in June, the second decline in three […]

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Australian Police Stop ISIS Terrorist Attack, Part Of Larger Plots To Down Planes

A gunshot wound can be incredibly fatal, especially to first responders that don’t wear vests or protection of some kind. The chance of dying from a gunshot to the torso can rise by as much as 3.4 times for officers without an armored vest. Making proper gear an important part of life for these individuals. […]

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Malls Diversify to Survive Department Store Diaspora

Shopping malls across the U.S. are struggling to stay afloat as their biggest draws, department stores, continue to close locations. In order to stay in business, mall owners have been forced to get creative with their businesses. It is no secret that since the e-commerce boom began, traditional brick and mortar retail stores have been […]

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Cuomo Announces $10 Million JFK Renovation Project

New York City’s air travel hub may soon be getting an update. Reuters reports that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is seeking proposals to complete a $10 billion renovation of John F. Kennedy International Airport, according to a statement by Governor Andrew Cuomo. In his statement, Cuomo called JFK “an international gateway to […]

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Going Green? Coca-Cola Releases Stop-Motion Ad Featuring Recycled Bottles

In 2017, touting your company’s sustainability standards and corporate social responsibility isn’t just the province of organic food companies. Today, it’s just good business strategy. Case in point: a 2017 Unilever study found that one in three consumers choose to buy from brands that they believe do social or environmental good. Not only that, but […]

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Wisconsin Tech Company Is Starting to Implant Their Employees With Microchips

One Wisconsin technology company is making headlines for offering to microchip their employees. Many small businesses rely on standard business technology, considering that each month 50,000 businesses incorporate Office 365 into their operations. But Three Square Market is putting them all to shame. They have become the first company in the U.S. that is offering […]

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Yonkers To Enact $300 Million Public Housing Initiative

The City of Yonkers has been given a $300 million renovation budget to upscale its aging public housing. The initiative, enacted by Yonkers’ Municipal Housing Authority, will use the budget to renovate 20 properties. “This project will provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for the more than 10,000 residents in public housing, create hundreds of […]