In March, Utah governor Gary Herbert signed into law the strictest drunk driving limits in the country. Now, members of the state’s hospitality and tourism industries are reacting to the tightening of restrictions with outrage and concern. The bill lowers the blood alcohol limit allowable when operating a motor vehicle to .05%. Prior to this bill, […]
Author: National News
Could Audi’s New A8 Lead To a Rise In Car Accidents?
There are an estimated six million car accidents every year in the United States, and that number might be about to get a little higher. By now the intentions of major auto manufacturers to push the consumer market into the next stage of automobiles, self-driving cars, is well known. It has been the dream of […]
Tacoma City Council Changes Laws Concerning Homelessness
Camping is one of America’s favorite past-times, with some 40 million people going on a total of 515 million camping trips in 2010 alone. However, sometimes camping is not an activity that one chooses voluntarily as many homeless individuals in Tacoma City, Washington demonstrated. Many homeless individuals engage in car camping — if they have […]
Is Bee Vision the Answer to All Our Digital Camera Woes?
The digital camera is about to get some help from our friendly friend, the honeybee. Lately, the bee has been making headlines all across the world as honeybee populations disappear, putting a majority of our favorite foods at risk. In 2014 there were an estimated 2.7 million honeybee colonies in the United States, but this […]
Family Continues To Grieve After Queens Dentist Prescribed Opioids To Addict
Many people rely on their dentists the same way they rely on their primacy care doctors or any other medical professional: to keep them safe. However, one grieving New York family believes one dentist failed to “do no harm” by prescribing opioids to a patient with known substance abuse problems. The surviving relatives of Eva […]
Outstanding CEO Offers Each Employee $20K to Spend on Their Wedding
Employee benefits tend to be pretty standard — health insurance, paid vacation, and some sort of retirement fund. But one new CEO is putting all these expectations to shame; he’s offering one benefit that is making many brides and grooms happy. The CEO of subscription service Boxed, Chieh Huang, has offered to cover his employees’ wedding […]
Court Reporter Jobs On The Rise in NYC
While many industries are facing an increase in layoffs thanks to advancing technology, one industry appears to be ditching technology in favor of human workers. Court reporters are an important part of how our courtrooms work, keeping a verbatim record of the conversations that occur both during, before, and after the trial. Not only that, […]
How Dental Therapists Could Be the Key To Fixing Dental Care Gap
Anyone who has even casually been following along with politics over the last few months knows how much of a hot-button issue health care has become. But in all of the media coverage and pundit bickering, one important area remains largely undiscussed: dental care. AAPD recommends that kids and teens see a pediatric dentist every […]
Medicaid Cuts Could Force Seniors Out Of Nursing Homes
Currently, there are somewhere around one million Americans living in senior living of some type, and that number is expected to double by 2030. But those estimations might be a little exaggerated with recent news concerning state budget cuts. Medicaid is one of the biggest payers for most of the 1.4 million individuals in nursing […]
Queens Storage Unit Robbed Of $12 Million In Art, Investigation Ongoing
According to the latest estimates, the U.S. has more than 50,000 storage facilities, which is an incredible amount of space just for holding people’s personal possessions. In fact, that’s more than five times the number of Starbucks across the nation. And each unit can hold something different, from clothes and shoes to collection items like […]