Featured News

Popemania Is Giving the U.S. Secret Service a Major Headache

Pope Francis’s U.S. visit is inching ever closer, and the majority of Americans planning to see him are very, very excited. But there are more than few people who are just very, very nervous about the events unfolding over the next five days. As the New York Times explained it, “the Secret Service will take […]

Featured News

Four Pentagon Labs Under Investigation for Mishandling Deadly Viruses

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has begun investigating four Pentagon labs belonging to the Defense Department under the suspicion that the labs have been mishandling potentially deadly germs while conducting bioterrorism research. These germs aren’t anything like the four billion microscopic organisms found on kitchen dishcloths; they’re essentially as powerful as […]

Featured News

After a Dragon Boat Sinks in New York’s East River, 19 are Rescued — And 2 Are Engaged

This past Sunday, the 19 members of the Azumi Rowing Club found themselves in a wet and rather chilly situation when their dragon boat overturned in New York City’s East River. Dragon boats are Chinese-designed rowing boats that are often used for racing. This one, in particular, has been used during New York’s Hong Kong […]


The Yankees Beat the Red Sox, and the Fans are Hurting in More Ways Than One

Walk into any hospital and you’ll find a variety of fans: AC fans, exhaust fans, fans to cool the IT equipment, and laminar fans (a fan that can circulate as fast as 300 times per hour!). But — baseball fans? That’s been increasingly the case at hospitals near Fenway Park, as the summer has seen […]

Featured News

Update: the Fed Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged, But Not For Long…

The Federal Reserve just put off the most anticipated announcement of the year, again. The Fed will not raise interest rates — at least for now. On Thursday, September 17, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet L. Yellen confirmed many investors’ suspicions that interest rates would remain close to zero, if only for a few more weeks. […]

Featured News

De Blasio Announces Major Plan To Expand Computer Science Education in NYC Public Schools

Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered a speech this morning on New York City education standards, calling for a greater emphasis on computer science programs in order to better prepare students for the growing tech-focused job market, regardless of students’ race, ethnicity, or financial standing. The mayor’s speech was delivered to an invite-only audience of approximately […]

Featured News

Manhattan Robberies Not Connected, NYPD Reports

According to a recent story from NBC News, NYPD have arrested the man responsible for five attempted bank robberies, as well as one successful bank robbery, in Manhattan early last week. The suspect, Michael Sancinella, 42, has been charged with six counts of robbery, according to the NYPD. Sancinella was seen on video surveillance cameras […]


Young Long Island Student Arrested After Video Taping a Police Officer

Long Island college student Thomas Demint, 20, is being charged with obstruction of governmental administration and resisting arrest after recording an interaction with police officers that involved the arrest of two of his friends and their mother in Hauppauge, NY, during a family feud. During the eight-minute video that Demint took of the interaction, his […]


NYC Real Estate Mogul Charged With DWI After Crashing His Porsche and Killing His Friend

  Sean P. Ludwick, a 42-year-old New York City real estate developer, was charged on August 31 for driving while intoxicated, after an accident resulted in the death of a passenger in his car. Ludwick was driving a 2013 Porsche convertible on Rolling Hills Court East, located in Noyak, according to The East Hampton Star. With […]

Homepage Uncategorized

New York’s First Crowdfunded Hotel-Condo Hybrid Is Ready to Open

Plenty of people have seen crowdfunding campaigns on sites like Kickstarter. Everything from new inventions to movies has been finances by regular people. But now a new building opening up in New York has also received the same treatment, only at a much greater scale than donating a dollar or two here and there. AKA […]