The frights of Halloween are mostly fictional fun. But there are a few things, experts warn, that do pose an actual hazard — and they’re not all limited to young children, as one might expect. Here are a few things that adults, teens, kids and even pets can be negatively affected by during the holiday. […]
Author: National News
Mayor Bill de Blasio Signs Executive Order to Increase Living Wage for New York City Workers
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an executive order last week that will increase hourly wages for an estimated 18,000 workers. The living wage order raises the hourly wages from $10.30 to $11.50 for workers who receive benefits, and from $11.90 to $13.30 for those who do not receive benefits. These changes to […]
IBM, NYC Launch Digital.NYC to Help Develop Gotham’s Burgeoning Tech Industry
A new project meant to boost New York City’s burgeoning tech sector went live Wednesday, providing Gotham’s many tech startups with the infrastructure to help develop and promote their ideas. Digital.NYC, effectively a digital tech incubator, is a joint venture between New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, city economic development leaders, and IBM. By plugging […]
Digital States Survey: What Keeps Utah at the Top of its Class?
The 2014 Digital States Survey run by the Center for Digital Government awarded Utah an A grade for state uses of IT this month, cementing its reputation as a forward-thinking technological hub. The state has maintained an A grade on the survey since 2012. Utah joins only two other states, Michigan and Missouri, in receiving […]
Bed Bugs Continue to Plague New York City Subway
UPDATED 11/20/20 If you have ever been bitten by anything belonging to the bed bug family, you must know how uncomfortable it is. The main thing that reminds you that you have been bitten is the nature of the bite. Such bug bites keep itching, and whether you are in public or not, you will […]
Baby Boomer Retirees Could Boost NYS Economy, but Majority Plan To Retire Elsewhere
According to a recent report from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), New York State’s population of baby boomer retirees could potentially put almost $2 billion back into the state’s economy per year. However, the operative word here is “potentially,” and the likelihood of this actually happening is pretty low, due to the high […]
The “Running Man” Prepares to Run 157 Miles Through New York City to Raise Benefits for Local Charity
Many people enjoy running with a partner or in groups, and with good reason, too. Turning a jog into a social event can help runners in many ways, including improving their race times and overall running performance. It is also believed that social runs can help break barriers for children with special needs.Achilles Kids is […]
NYU Study Uncovers Link Between Family Issues and Poor Oral Health.
New York University researchers have discovered a link between family situations and oral health, according to Healthday News.The study, published in the September issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association, found that parents and children in families where verbal and physical aggression were common had more cavities and missing teeth than other families.Parents with […]
New York Giants Can’t Stop Getting Hurt
People get hurt in sports all the time — and can even lose parts of their body while participating in a game. Athletic trauma, after all, is one of the main causes of tooth loss in people under age 35. However, things are getting a little out of hand for the New York Giants, who […]
California Unveils New Mental Health Urgent Care Clinics to Treat Wave of Mentally Ill Seeking Treatment
In response to a growing demand for health care, particularly mental health services, county health officials in California opened a mental health urgent care in South Los Angeles at the end of August. This center is intended to immediately treat patients in crisis while also connecting them with ongoing care. This service is part of […]