
Roof Renovation Brings Wildlife To NYC’s Javits Center

The roof of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York City’s largest convention center, has gone from black to green. Plant and wildlife now cover the seven-acre roof of the convention center. Much of the convention center’s piping and ductwork has been replaced with plants and wildlife. Traditional ductwork can have cooling losses as […]

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The Results Of The Annual “Fertility Scorecard” Is Here; How Does New York State Rank?

RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, recently announced the results of its yearly “Fertility Scorecard” — and New York State fared pretty well, scoring a B. To put that into perspective, only five states earned an A rating. RESOLVE evaluated states’ fertility programs on the following criteria: insurance coverage and mandates, the number of infertility support […]

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Firefighters Save 2 Adults and 5 Children from Burning Building in Brooklyn

A fire broke out in a Brooklyn apartment on Sunday, August 2, trapping two adults and five children between the ages of two months and eight years old. The fire started on the second story of the apartment building, but quickly spread to the floor above, where the family lived. Firefighters on the scene were […]

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A New Way To Do Luxury Housing In The Hamptons

The tiny house movement has taken the U.S. by storm. Now it’s infiltrating the luxury market — particularly in the Hamptons area of Long Island, New York. Loosely defined as building fully functional homes measuring 1,400 square feet or less, the tiny home movement began as a cost- and energy-saving venture. Tiny houses emerged in […]

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Have You Seen This Stick Figure? Lottery Uses Sketch of Stick Figure to Find $7 Million Winner

Desperate times called for desperate measures. New York Lottery officials wanted to find the the person who’d won a $7 million jackpot over a year ago, but who was also running out of time to claim their prize. If they didn’t, they’d wind up forfeiting the winnings. In order to locate this individual, Lottery officials […]

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In New York City, One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s WiFi

Trash cans, united in one utilitarian purpose, can be found by the thousands in any city. But what if they were somehow given a new job to do, something beyond simply collecting the waste of humanity? By equipping municipal trash cans with WiFi hotspots, this could soon become a reality. In New York City, where […]

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Does This NY Representative’s DUI Laws Go Too Far?

New York is consistently ranked as one of the worst states for DUI offenders, and now one New York U.S. representative wants the state to lead the charge on tougher DUI laws nationwide. Long Island Democratic Representative Kathleen Rice announced this July that she would introduce national legislation that would require all U.S. automakers to […]

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The Sound of Texting: Cell Phones Causing Major Disruptions on Broadway

The world-famous theater culture of Broadway is being threatened by something typically no larger than a fist: cellphones. The National reports that texting theatergoers are putting a serious damper on Broadway shows as audiences and performers alike are getting fed up with the electronic distraction. On July 8th, veteran Broadway actress Patti LuPone grabbed headlines […]

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St. Patrick’s Cathedral Renovations Are Almost Complete

New York City’s most famous cathedral is almost finished being renovated, the Wall Street Journal reported recently, and just in the nick of time — with Pope Francis’s U.S. visit inching closer, and with St. Patrick’s Cathedral serving as a focal point for his NYC visit, it simply wouldn’t do to have the church surrounded […]