Having a mouth full of metal braces for years at a time can be embarrassing. In fact, 92% of teens feel like metal braces keep them from fitting in with their classmates and peers. Even though braces will be good for children in the long term, many parents hesitate to embrace a treatment that could lead to hurt feelings and insecurity.
Now, however, a number of orthodontic treatments are available to patients who wish to have straighter smiles. Most recently, the Alberta-based Canadian company SmileSonica Inc. announced a new system that would allow patients to forego extensive periods of time with wire metal braces, and it could even accelerate their treatment safely and effectively.
The Aevo System is a daily device to be used for 20 minutes every day in addition to dental hardware. The non-invasive device delivers low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) and is battery-powered and portable, intended for home use.
In a recent study, 89% of surveyed patients said that they wished that their orthodontic treatment could take less time. According to a prospective, randomized, split mouth, double-blind, controlled clinical trial that took place across five sites in Canada (University of Alberta , Edmonton; Strathcona Orthodontics, Edmonton; University of Toronto, Toronto; University of Manitoba, Winnipeg; Dr. Tim Dumore and Team Orthodontics, Winnipeg) with the Aevo System™, tooth movement rate increased by an average of of 29%, and without the system, root resorption was 220.8% higher.
“It has taken eight years to arrive at this critical milestone,” said Cristian Scurtescu, the founder and CEO of SmileSonica. “When I started the company it was just me, my laptop and a dream to create something for the world that is so simple that anyone could use it.”
In addition to Canada, 33 other countries have adopted the new system. In Canada, it is considered a class II medical device.
Scurtescu’s partners and investors are all based in the greater Edmonton area, allowing them to be actively involved in the company’s future. With their help, the company could even become a global competitor in the orthodontic market.
So far, the company has been named both a finalist and recipient of multiple awards from competitions nationwide, and has been featured in local business publications. Most recently, the company participated in the World Federation of Orthodontists’ 8th International Orthodontic Congress in London, as well as the European Orthodontic Society’s 92nd Congress in Stockholm.
Image Source: Zoe