Featured News

New Jersey Set to Completely Open Adoption Records, Giving Over 300,000 Children Access to Original Birth Certificates

While over 90% of adopted children over the age of five have positive feelings about their adoption, older adoptees haven’t always had the same experience. Considering the fact that the average age of retirement is 63, the majority of adopted retirees in New Jersey have had to go through the whole of their adult lives […]


Real Estate Agents Advertise Secret Service as ‘New Amenity’ at Trump Tower

Approximately 86,004 real estate brokerage firms are operating in the U.S. today, and with so much competition, they sometimes have to get a little creative. Prominent New York real estate agency Douglas Elliman, for instance, is advertising the U.S. Secret Service as a hot new “amenity” at Trump Tower in an attempt to lure clients […]

Featured News

Researchers Continue Searching for Ways to Extend Life

As technology advances each year, researchers are constantly looking to answer some of life’s most trying questions. Questions like is there life on Mars, how to successfully reach the bottom of the ocean, and the age-old question: how can we live longer. There have been numerous studies and experiments that have attempted to answer the […]

Featured News

State Courts Rule Nuclear Plant on the Hudson is Not Compliant With Environmental Standards

There have been many controversies surrounding nuclear energy use in New York State, and most recently, a state court ruling has decided that Governor Cuomo has the ability to deny the re-licensing of a plant near New York City. Entergy Nuclear’s Indian Point nuclear plant is located 50 miles up the Hudson river from New […]